Water Right Permit 21280 (Application 29731) of Nick Stehly Farms, Inc.
SCH Number
Public Agency
State Water Resources Control Board
Document Title
Water Right Permit 21280 (Application 29731) of Nick Stehly Farms, Inc.
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A water right permit is being issued to Nick Stehly Farms, Inc. for an existing project that directly diverts 1.1 cubic foot per second stores 409 acre-feet (af) per annum in four existing reservoirs, with a maximum annual diversion of 941 af. The water will be used for continued irrigation of 739 acres, wildlife enhancement and fire protection.
Contact Information
Katherine Mrowka
Agency Name
State Water Resources Control Board
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Diego
Other Location Info
13268 McNalley Road, Valley Center, CA 92082. irrigation of 739 acres within Sections 10,11,14,15,23 and 26, all within T10S, R2W, SBB&M
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class:1 Sec:15301
Reasons for Exemption
Environmental review began on April 26, 1990. The four reservoirs were built and all lands irrigated prior to 1990. Approval of this project will not result in construction or expansion in the facilities or water use beyond that existing on the date environmental review began. The project will not cause significant adverse impacts on any sensitive environment and will not result in significant cumulative impacts.
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