Contra Costa County Voluntary Local Program (California Endangered Species Act Voluntary Local Program No. 2086-2014-001-03 (VLP))
7 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Contra Costa Resource Conservation District
Document Title
Contra Costa County Voluntary Local Program (California Endangered Species Act Voluntary Local Program No. 2086-2014-001-03 (VLP))
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Present Land Use
Document Description
The purpose of the VLP is to encourage farmers and ranchers engaged in agricultural activities to voluntarily enhance and maintain habitat for endangered and threatened species. It is estimated that over the life of the VLP, approximately 50,000 acres of annual grassland, wetland, and riparian habitats will be maintained and enhanced as a result of the implementation of the management practices. Cooperators, through enrollment in the VLP, authorized by California Code of Regulations title 14 sections 786.0 through 786.8, and execution of a Cooperative Agreement, are authorized take, as defined in Fish & G. Code 86, of Alameda whipsnake and California tiger salamander incidental to routine and ongoing agricultural activities if the take occurs on lands covered by the VLP during implementation of the management practices. Both Alameda whipsnake and California tiger salamander listed as threatened under the California endangered species act.
Contact Information
Scott Wilson
Agency Name
CDFW Bay Delta Region
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
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