SCH Number 1997022055

Project Info

Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Sun Ridge Specific Plan (SDCP/SRSP) Project
CDFW has executed Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0212-R2, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Lal Brothers, LLC, as represented by Aman Lal. The proposed project includes the development of a residential community and associated infrastructure within a 102.9-acre property. The site will be developed for the creation of approximately 180 residential lots, 2 commercial lots, 2 open space lots, a preserve, and associated infrastructure for the development of the parcel. The project includes the following components: mass grading the project site, a new bridge, interim drainage swales, and a new storm drain system.
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13 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rancho Cordova Douglas 103 (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0212-R2)
City of Rancho Cordova Douglas Road 98 (Lake or Streamed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0064-R2)
City of Rancho Cordova Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Sun Ridge Specific Plan (SDCP/SRSP) Long Term Water Supply Plan
City of Rancho Cordova Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Sun Ridge Specific Plan (SDCP/SRSP) Project
City of Rancho Cordova North Douglas Project
City of Rancho Cordova North Douglas Project
City of Rancho Cordova Anatolia III
City of Rancho Cordova Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Sun Ridge Specific Plan (Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Specific Plan)
City of Rancho Cordova Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Sun Ridge Specific Plan (SDCP/SRSP) Long Term Water Supply Plan
City of Rancho Cordova Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Sun Ridge Specific Plan (SDCP/SRSP) Long Term Water Supply Plan
City of Rancho Cordova Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Sun Ridge Specific Plan (Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Specific Plan)
City of Rancho Cordova Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Sun Ridge Specific Plan (Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Specific Plan)
City of Rancho Cordova Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Sun Ridge Specific Plan (Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Specific Plan)