SCH Number 2000121036

Project Info

The Master Plan for Phases 1 & 2-The Preserve
CDFW has executed Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0158-R6 (Revision 1), pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, Chino Preserve Development Corporation. The Pine Avenue Widening Project includes the widening of the currently two-lane highway (Pine Avenue) by adding two additional lanes along the westbound (northern) side of Pine Avenue between Meadowhouse Avenue and Rincon Meadows Avenue. The amendment authorizes an increase to permanent impacts of 0.25 acre and an increase in temporary impacts of .03 acre. The updated total project impacts are 0.36 acre of permanent impacts and 0.13 acre of temporary impacts to habitat subject to Fish and Game Code section 1602.
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17 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Inland Deserts Region 6 (CDFW) Kimball Bickmore Natural Treatment System Long-term Maintenance (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0130-R6)
City of Chino Pine Avenue Widening Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0158-R6
City of Chino Pine Avenue Widening Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0158-R6 [Revision 1])
City of Chino Addendum to The Preserve Chino Sphere of Influence - Sub-Area 2 EIR South of Pine and Flores Project, PL15-0480 (MSA), PL15-0481 (GPA), and PL15-0482 (SPA)
City of Chino Addendum to The Preserve Chino Sphere of Influence - Sub Area 2 Certified EIR for the Preserve Specific Plan
City of Chino The Preserve Development Agreement No. 2003-01
City of Chino The Preserve Development Agreement No. 2003-01
City of Chino PSP MSA 2003-01 & TTM Nos. 16418, 16419, 16519, 16520, 16521, 16522, 16523
City of Chino The Preserve Development Agreement No. 2003-01
City of Chino PSP MSA 2003-01 & TTM Nos. 16418, 16419, 16519, 16520, 16521, 16522, 16523
City of Chino The Master Plan for Phases 1 & 2-The Preserve
City of Chino The Chino Preserve Specific Plan/Annexation/General Plan Amendment
City of Chino The Master Plan for Phases 1 & 2-The Preserve
City of Chino The Master Plan for Phases 1 & 2-The Preserve
City of Chino The Master Plan for Phases 1 & 2-The Preserve
City of Chino The Chino Preserve Specific Plan/Annexation/General Plan Amendment
City of Chino The Chino Preserve Specific Plan/Annexation/General Plan Amendment