SCH Number 2003032070

Project Info

DERWA Tank R-200 Project
The Tank 2 R-200 (which is also known and sometimes referred to as Tank 2 or Reservoir R-200) Project is part of the San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Program which is a recycled water supply project consisting of the treatment, distribution, storage and use of highly-treated recycled watsewater for landscape irrigation in the study area. The Tank R-200 project provides storage of 4.5 million gallons of recycled water for use by customers in the San Ramon area and includes a 2,700-foot pipeline to connect the reservoir tank to DERWA's future transmission lines.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
East Bay Municipal Utility District DERWA Tank R-200 (a.k.a. Tank 2 or Reservoir R-200)
East Bay Municipal Utility District DERWA Tank R-200 Project