SCH Number 2008031066

Project Info

The Village at Bella Terra
General Plan Amendment No. 10-001: To amend the size of General Plan Subarea 5A from 46.90 acres to 52.35 acres and to amend the size of Subarea 5B from 15.85 acres to 10.40 acres. Zoning Text Amendment No. 10-001: To amend the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance by amending Specific Plan No. 13-Bella Terra to: a) Amend the sizes of Area A and Area B to match the General Plan; b) Establish warehouse and sales outlets, tire sales and installations, and gas stations as permitted uses; and c) Include associated design and development standards for the new permitted uses. Site Plan Review No. 10-001: To permit development of a mixed use project.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Huntington Beach Addendum to EIR No. 07-03 The Village at Bella Terra-Costco
City of Huntington Beach The Village at Bella Terra Project
City of Huntington Beach The Village at Bella Terra
City of Huntington Beach The Village at Bella Terra
City of Huntington Beach The Village at Bella Terra Project