SCH Number 2010042073

Project Info

Phase 3 of the Reclamation District No. 17 (RD 17) 100 - Year Levee Seepage Area Project (LSAP)
CDFW has executed Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2014-0424-R3, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to Reclamation District No. 17, as represented by Christopher Neudeck. The Project is limited to the following activities: One 410 Linear foot section of the waterside slope of the existing levee along the San Joaquin River will be excavated to a point no lower thant he mean high water mark. The degraded levee will allow high water to enter a new landside setback levee swale area between the existing levee and a new setback levee. The swale will be constructed to reduce the potential for fish stranding or entrapment in the setback area when river flows overtop the existing degraded levee, which will then allow drainage upon receding of the high water. Rock slope protection (riprap) will be placed on the waterside of the existing levee in three locations to reduce bank erosion during high flow periods, including two areas where the river would overtop the existing levee, which is to be degraded, during high flows, and another portion of the levee needing repair.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Reclamation District 17 Phase 3 of the Reclamation District No. 17, 100 - Year Levee Seepage Area Project
Reclamation District 17 Phase 3 of the Reclamation District No. 17, 100 - Year Levee Seepage Area Project
Reclamation District 17 Phase 3 RD 17 Levee Seepage Area Project (Lake or sTreambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2014-0424-R3)
Reclamation District 17 Phase 3-RD17 Levee Seepage Repair Project
Reclamation District 17 Phase 3 of the Reclamation District No. 17 (RD 17) 100 - Year Levee Seepage Area Project (LSAP)
Reclamation District 17 Phase 3 of the Reclamation District No. 17 (RD 17) 100 - Year Levee Seepage Area Project (LSAP)