SCH Number 2011061062

Project Info

Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit Invasive Non-Native Plant Control and Revegetation Program
Project will manage invasive plant species and implement a comprehensive habitat restoration program on approx. 65 acres of coastal wetlands in the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Diego County North San Diego County Coastal Wetlands Invasive Species Management
San Diego County Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit Invasive, Non-Native Plant Control and Revegetation Project
San Diego County Henning Minor Subdivision, 3200 21122 (TPM) & 3910 08-19-005 (ER)
San Diego County Henning Minor Subdivision, 3200 21122 (TPM) & 3910 08-19-005 (ER)
San Diego County Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit Invasive Non-Native Plant Control and Revegetation Program