SCH Number 2013032072

Project Info

Ukiah Water Recycling Project - Phase 4 Refinements
The Proposed Project includes refinements to Phase 4 of the City of Ukiah's Recycled Water Project that was approved on June 5, 2018. The Phase 4 refinements include the addition of a 1 million gallon Storage Tank with a 300 hp booster pump station and 4 small lined lakes and 100-hp booster pump station at the City's Municipal Golf Course for irrigation at/the gold course with recycled water.
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11 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Ukiah Addendum to the Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the City of Ukiah's Water Recycling Project - Phase 4 Refinements
City of Ukiah Ukiah Water Recycling Project - Phase 4 Refinements
City of Ukiah City of Ukiah Recycled Water Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0026-R1)
City of Ukiah Addendum #2 to the Final Initial Study/Mitigateds Negative Declaration for the City of Ukiah's Recycled Water Project (Addendum)
City of Ukiah Recycled Water Pipeline Project (Project)
City of Ukiah Ukiah Water Recycling Project
City of Ukiah City of Ukiah Recycled Water Project
City of Ukiah Addendum to the Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the City of Ukiah's Recycled Water Project (Addendum)
City of Ukiah City of Ukiah Recycled Water Project
City of Ukiah City of Ukiah Recycled Water Project
City of Ukiah City of Ukiah Recycled Water Project