SCH Number 2013042066

Project Info

Oakland Coliseum Area Specific Plan
Ordinance amending the Oakland Planning Code regulating Transient Habitation Commercial Activities (Hotels) to: 1) require a Major Conditional Use Permit for Transient Habitation Commercial Activities, 2) change the Central Business District - Commercial Zone and Wood Street District Zone - 8 to require a Conditional Use Permit for Transient Habitation Commercial activities; and 3) require the additional Findings omitted in Planning Code Section 17.103.050 for several Zoning Districts for Transient Habitation Commercial Activities
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9 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Oakland Amendments to the Oakland Planning Code related to Transient Habitation Commercial Activities
City of Oakland Amendments to the Oakland Planning Code related to Transient Habitation Commercial Activities
City of Oakland Oakland Acura Relocation
City of Oakland Oakland Acura Relocation
City of Oakland Coliseum Area Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report
City of Oakland Coliseum Area Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report
City of Oakland Oakland Coliseum Area Specific Plan
City of Oakland Oakland Coliseum Area Specific Plan
City of Oakland Oakland Coliseum Area Specific Plan