SCH Number 2015031017

Project Info

Perris and Elder Booster Pumping Station & Ancillary Facilities
NOTE: Supplemental Final Construction, operation and maintenance of a potable water booster pumping station, including three pumps, generator, electrical and mechanical equipment, suction and discharge piping, ingress and egress driveways, drainage, security wall/fencing and other components necessary to complete the booster station. The Project also includes the demolition of the existing building and parking lot on the site as well as the existing booster pumping station at Perris Boulevard and Ironwood Avenue. It also includes the installation of approximately 3,100 lineal feet of 30-inch diameter pipeline in Elder Avenue, Perris Boulevard and Ironwood Avenue.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Eastern Municipal Water District Perris and Elder Booster Pumping Station & Ancillary Facilities
Eastern Municipal Water District Perris and Elder Booster Pumping Station
Eastern Municipal Water District Perris and Elder Booster Pumping Station & Ancillary Facilities