SCH Number 2015031083
Project Info
- Title
- Former Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-1): Remediation of Areas of Concern (AOCs), including approval of cleanup plans for AOC 045, AOC 108, 109, 056 Burn Si
- Description
- This proposed project involves the remediation of 131 Area of Concern (AOCs) identified in the Corrective Action Consent Agreement Docket, between the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and the DTSC. The goal of the project is to achieve a No Further Action status on each AOC, meaning DTSC has agreed that there is no further risk to human health at each site due to historical DOE activities. Project is expected to result in incidental take of giant kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ingens), San Joaquin antelope squirrel (Ammospermophilus nelsoni), and San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) (collectively referred to as the Covered Species), which are designated as threatened and endangered species under the CESA. The ITP Major Amendment No. 1 referenced above as issued by CDFW authorizes an increase of up to 66 acres of temporary impacts to the Covered Species habitat that may occur as a result of Project Implementation.
3 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | Department of Toxic Substances Control | Former Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 Closure Project (Major Amendment No. 1, California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2013-029-04 (ITPP | |
NOD | Department of Toxic Substances Control | Initial Study for the Former Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-1): Remediation of Areas of Concern (AOCs), including approval of cleanup plans for AOC 045, AOC | |
NEG | Department of Toxic Substances Control | Former Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-1): Remediation of Areas of Concern (AOCs), including approval of cleanup plans for AOC 045, AOC 108, 109, 056 Burn Si |