SCH Number 2015121021
Project Info
- Title
- Conditional Use Permit Application No. C-15-178 (City Water Well Pump Station PS-156)
- Description
- Lito Buco, Dept. of Public Facilities, requests authorization to drill and operate a municipal potable water well (PS 156), construct an equipment building and install a 6-foot high masonry block wall and perimeter landscaping to screen equipment and treatment facilities, and construct public works improvements; and future construction of water remediation facilities and treatment systems for various contaminants. The proposed scope of work will include the construction of a new water supply well, in two phases which include 1) well construction, and 2) site improvements, and installation of water treatment systems, if required. The proposed project may also involve installation and construction of associated public street facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the standards, specifications, and policies of the City of Fresno.
2 documents in project