SCH Number 2017032027

Project Info

Faria/Southwest Hills Annexation Project
The proposed project is the Draft Faria/Southwest Hills Master Plan (Draft Master Plan). The purpose of the Draft Master Plan is to define the potential development of the 606-acre project site as part of a request for annexation of the site into the City of Pittsburg, as well as the CCCWD and DDSD service areas, and reclassification of the site from HPD and OS prezoning districts to RS-4P and OS-P prezoning overlay districts. The project would require approval of a General Plan Amendment and Development Agreement.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Pittsburg Faria/Southwest Hills Annexation Project, AP-10-717 (GPA, RZ, DA, ANNEX)
City of Pittsburg Faria/Southwest Hills Annexation Project
City of Pittsburg Faria/Southwest Hills Annexation Project
City of Pittsburg Faria/Southwest Hills Annexation Project