Friday, September 26, 2008
- Received Date
- 2008-09-26
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65 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
1990020112 | NOD | City of Adelanto | CITY OF ADELANTO ASSESSMENT DIST. #1 | |
2008098307 | NOE | City of Anaheim | Walnut Canyon Reservoir Vegetation Maintenance | |
2008092103 | MND | City of Antioch | Extended Consolidation Area in Association with Remediation of Landfill sites along Markley Creek | |
2007101060 | EIR | City of Bakersfield | Rio Bravo Ranch (GPA/ZC 06-1722) | |
200805 | BIA | United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs | Redding Rancheria 049-400-027, 049-400-002 | |
2008082105 | NOD | Butte County | TPM06-0023, Tentative Parcel Map and RA08-002, Road Abandonment | |
2008098329 | NOE | Calaveras County | 2007-067 Calaveras County Sheriff's Radio Tower | |
2008098322 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, Headquarters | Sutter 99 Traffic Safety | |
2008098309 | NOE | California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) | The Central Coast Groundfish Project | |
2008098310 | NOE | California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) | Collaborative Fisheries Research Organization | |
2008092110 | NEG | Del Norte County | Irene Kinion - Minor Subdivision - MS0902C | |
2008098308 | NOE | City of Dinuba | Application No. 2008-08, Amended Tentative Parcel Map. APN 017-020-003 | |
2008099028 | NOD | California Energy Commission | Humboldt Bay Powering Project | |
2008098312 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0495, Moon Pine Cat-2 Emergency | |
2008098318 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0433, Mill Creek, tributary to the Sacramento River | |
2008098313 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0469, Unnamed Tributaries to Red Bank Creek and Red Bank Creek, tributary to the Sacramento River | |
2008098311 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0049, Canyon Creek, tributary to Burney Creek | |
2007011060 | NOD | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0458 Flock Final Dam removal Project | |
2007011060 | NOD | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0467 Little Shasta Fish Screen/Passage Project P0610309 | |
2008098317 | NOE | Department of General Services (DGS) | Laney College Athletic Field House and Field Project | |
2001092044 | NOD | Greater Vallejo Recreation District | Glen Cove Waterfront Park Master Plan Project | |
2003019001 | NOD | Inland Empire Utility Agency | Permitting and Operation of Northwest "B" IX facility and Well 31; Public Water System No. 3610029 | |
2008071061 | NOD | Jurupa Community Services District | Proposed Sunnyslope Reservoir Improvement Project | |
2008091143 | MND | Kern County | CUP 33, Map 230 | |
2007031090 | EIR | City of Los Angeles | Sun Valley Solid Waste Facility EIR | |
2008098316 | NOE | City of Mammoth Lakes | Zoning Code Amendment 2008-01; Deletion of Half Unit of Density Provisions in Residential Zones | |
2007052006 | EIR | Mendocino County | Garden's Gate Subdivision | |
2008072078 | NOD | City of Modesto | Phase 1A Tertiary Wastewater Treatment Project | |
2006031125 | EIR | Monterey County | Mohsin, Riehl, Samoske Combined Development Permit | |
2008092105 | MND | City of Novato | McPhail's Commercial Office | |
2008098323 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Wash Rack and Vehicle Storage Building - Pismo State Beach | |
2008098315 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Maintenance Shop and Office - Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) | |
2008092106 | MND | Placer County | Eden Roc 2 (PSUB T20070829) | |
2008098321 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa | Greenbriar Lane Drainage Channel Cleanup | |
2006081057 | EIR | Riverside County | Conditional Use Permit No. 3512, Environmental Impact Report No. 502, McAnally Chicken Ranch | |
1998072036 | NOD | City of Rohnert Park | Wilfred/Dowdell Village Specific Plan - Prezoning to Specific Plan District, Specific Plan/Design Guidelines and Resolution of Application for Annexation | |
2008098314 | NOE | Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District | Rule 451, 452, 454, 463, 464, 465, and 466 (Solvent Cleaning Rules) | |
2008092107 | NEG | City of Sacramento | Arden Village | |
2008091144 | MND | San Diego County | Club Estates; TM 5499; ER 06-03-003 | |
2008092104 | MND | San Joaquin County | Streambed Alteration Agreement with DFG for Routine Maintenance of Stream Channels within San Joaquin County | |
2007052050 | NOD | City of San Leandro | Oyster Bay Bridge at Oyster Bay Slough, Project No. 144-36-012 | |
2008082056 | NOD | Santa Clara County | William F. James Boys Ranch Temporary Modular Installation | |
2008091146 | NOP | City of Santa Fe Springs | Washington Boulevard Redevelopment Plan Amendment No. 2 | |
2008091145 | NOP | City of Santa Fe Springs | Amendment No. 4 to the Amended Consolidated Redevelopment Project Area | |
2005121074 | NOD | City of Santa Monica | Travelodge Hotel Project (1515-25 Ocean Avenue and 1530 2nd Street) | |
2008092109 | MND | Sutter County | 07-039 (Vargas) | |
2008098304 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | License Agreement to Facilitate the Air particulate study in the Lake Tahoe Basin | |
2008098306 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | License for Maintenance, Operation, and Sealing of groundwater monitoring wells, extraction wells, and underground extraction pipe | |
2008098305 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Acquisition of One Environmentally Sensitive Parcel | |
2008099029 | NOD | Tehama County | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0357 Hammer Loop Fuel Management Zone | |
2008098325 | NOE | Department of Toxic Substances Control | Proposed Plan for Installation Restoration Program Site 29 (Mssile Silo 395-C) | |
2008098324 | NOE | Department of Toxic Substances Control | Time-Critical Removal Action at Two Campfire Locations in the Western Transition Area, University of California, Berkeley | |
2008098327 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Conditional Use Permit CUP08-014 | |
2008098326 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Design Review Permit DR08-047 | |
2008082015 | NOD | City of Turlock | Water Storage Reservoirs (Tanks) and Pump Stations | |
2008034004 | FIN | United States Department of Transportation | Relocation of Traction Power Sub Station (TPSS) Sites 3 and 4 for Mid-City/Exposition Light Rail Transit Line | |
2008041170 | EIR | University of California San Diego | Health Science Graduate Student Housing | |
2007122007 | NOD | City of Watsonville | Corralitos Creek Fisheries Enhancement Project | |
2008071131 | NOD | Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority | SunPower Solar Power Project | |
2008092102 | MND | Wright Elementary School District | South Wright Elementary School | |
2008098319 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement No. 2008-0084-R4 for the Construction of a Boat Ramp | |
2008098320 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement 2008-0111-R4; Mountain Tunnel Rehabilitation Outfall Project | |
2008098328 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Piru Disposal Site Repair | |
2008098328 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Piru Disposal Site Repair | |
2008072117 | NOD | Fish and Game (OSPR), Department of | Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan/EA (DARP/EA) for the 11/5/1997 Kure/Humboldt Bay Oil Spill into Humboldt Bay at the Louisiana Pacific Export Dock |