Friday, September 26, 2008

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65 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
1990020112 City of Adelanto CITY OF ADELANTO ASSESSMENT DIST. #1
2008098307 City of Anaheim Walnut Canyon Reservoir Vegetation Maintenance
2008092103 City of Antioch Extended Consolidation Area in Association with Remediation of Landfill sites along Markley Creek
2007101060 City of Bakersfield Rio Bravo Ranch (GPA/ZC 06-1722)
200805 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Redding Rancheria 049-400-027, 049-400-002
2008082105 Butte County TPM06-0023, Tentative Parcel Map and RA08-002, Road Abandonment
2008098329 Calaveras County 2007-067 Calaveras County Sheriff's Radio Tower
2008098322 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Sutter 99 Traffic Safety
2008098309 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) The Central Coast Groundfish Project
2008098310 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Collaborative Fisheries Research Organization
2008092110 Del Norte County Irene Kinion - Minor Subdivision - MS0902C
2008098308 City of Dinuba Application No. 2008-08, Amended Tentative Parcel Map. APN 017-020-003
2008099028 California Energy Commission Humboldt Bay Powering Project
2008098312 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0495, Moon Pine Cat-2 Emergency
2008098318 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0433, Mill Creek, tributary to the Sacramento River
2008098313 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0469, Unnamed Tributaries to Red Bank Creek and Red Bank Creek, tributary to the Sacramento River
2008098311 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0049, Canyon Creek, tributary to Burney Creek
2007011060 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0458 Flock Final Dam removal Project
2007011060 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0467 Little Shasta Fish Screen/Passage Project P0610309
2008098317 Department of General Services (DGS) Laney College Athletic Field House and Field Project
2001092044 Greater Vallejo Recreation District Glen Cove Waterfront Park Master Plan Project
2003019001 Inland Empire Utility Agency Permitting and Operation of Northwest "B" IX facility and Well 31; Public Water System No. 3610029
2008071061 Jurupa Community Services District Proposed Sunnyslope Reservoir Improvement Project
2008091143 Kern County CUP 33, Map 230
2007031090 City of Los Angeles Sun Valley Solid Waste Facility EIR
2008098316 City of Mammoth Lakes Zoning Code Amendment 2008-01; Deletion of Half Unit of Density Provisions in Residential Zones
2007052006 Mendocino County Garden's Gate Subdivision
2008072078 City of Modesto Phase 1A Tertiary Wastewater Treatment Project
2006031125 Monterey County Mohsin, Riehl, Samoske Combined Development Permit
2008092105 City of Novato McPhail's Commercial Office
2008098323 California Department of Parks and Recreation Wash Rack and Vehicle Storage Building - Pismo State Beach
2008098315 California Department of Parks and Recreation Maintenance Shop and Office - Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA)
2008092106 Placer County Eden Roc 2 (PSUB T20070829)
2008098321 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa Greenbriar Lane Drainage Channel Cleanup
2006081057 Riverside County Conditional Use Permit No. 3512, Environmental Impact Report No. 502, McAnally Chicken Ranch
1998072036 City of Rohnert Park Wilfred/Dowdell Village Specific Plan - Prezoning to Specific Plan District, Specific Plan/Design Guidelines and Resolution of Application for Annexation
2008098314 Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District Rule 451, 452, 454, 463, 464, 465, and 466 (Solvent Cleaning Rules)
2008092107 City of Sacramento Arden Village
2008091144 San Diego County Club Estates; TM 5499; ER 06-03-003
2008092104 San Joaquin County Streambed Alteration Agreement with DFG for Routine Maintenance of Stream Channels within San Joaquin County
2007052050 City of San Leandro Oyster Bay Bridge at Oyster Bay Slough, Project No. 144-36-012
2008082056 Santa Clara County William F. James Boys Ranch Temporary Modular Installation
2008091146 City of Santa Fe Springs Washington Boulevard Redevelopment Plan Amendment No. 2
2008091145 City of Santa Fe Springs Amendment No. 4 to the Amended Consolidated Redevelopment Project Area
2005121074 City of Santa Monica Travelodge Hotel Project (1515-25 Ocean Avenue and 1530 2nd Street)
2008092109 Sutter County 07-039 (Vargas)
2008098304 California Tahoe Conservancy License Agreement to Facilitate the Air particulate study in the Lake Tahoe Basin
2008098306 California Tahoe Conservancy License for Maintenance, Operation, and Sealing of groundwater monitoring wells, extraction wells, and underground extraction pipe
2008098305 California Tahoe Conservancy Acquisition of One Environmentally Sensitive Parcel
2008099029 Tehama County Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0357 Hammer Loop Fuel Management Zone
2008098325 Department of Toxic Substances Control Proposed Plan for Installation Restoration Program Site 29 (Mssile Silo 395-C)
2008098324 Department of Toxic Substances Control Time-Critical Removal Action at Two Campfire Locations in the Western Transition Area, University of California, Berkeley
2008098327 Tuolumne County Conditional Use Permit CUP08-014
2008098326 Tuolumne County Design Review Permit DR08-047
2008082015 City of Turlock Water Storage Reservoirs (Tanks) and Pump Stations
2008034004 United States Department of Transportation Relocation of Traction Power Sub Station (TPSS) Sites 3 and 4 for Mid-City/Exposition Light Rail Transit Line
2008041170 University of California San Diego Health Science Graduate Student Housing
2007122007 City of Watsonville Corralitos Creek Fisheries Enhancement Project
2008071131 Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority SunPower Solar Power Project
2008092102 Wright Elementary School District South Wright Elementary School
2008098319 Fish & Game #4 Agreement No. 2008-0084-R4 for the Construction of a Boat Ramp
2008098320 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2008-0111-R4; Mountain Tunnel Rehabilitation Outfall Project
2008098328 Fish & Game #5 Piru Disposal Site Repair
2008098328 Fish & Game #5 Piru Disposal Site Repair
2008072117 Fish and Game (OSPR), Department of Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan/EA (DARP/EA) for the 11/5/1997 Kure/Humboldt Bay Oil Spill into Humboldt Bay at the Louisiana Pacific Export Dock