Thursday, July 21, 2011
- Received Date
- 2011-07-21
- Edit Search
51 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2010082062 | EIR | City of American Canyon | Napa Junction Phase III | |
2011072044 | NEG | Butte County | Chris Carter TSM11-0001 | |
2011071067 | MND | Cambria Community Services District | Moonstone Beach Drive Path Connector | |
2011021054 | NOP | Central Basin Municipal Water District | Central Basin Groundwater Storage Plan: A Blueprint for Future Reliability | |
2011072045 | MND | City of Cupertino | Stevens Creek Corridor Park and Restoration Phase 2 | |
2011078187 | NOE | City of Cupertino | Cleo Avenue Housing | |
2006012065 | NOD | City of Danville | Weber Ranch - PUD 2004-04, SD 8919 & TR 2005-02 | |
2011072048 | MND | El Dorado County | Green Valley Road Bridge (25C-088) at Weber Creek Replacement Project | |
2011072047 | MND | El Dorado Hills Services District | El Dorado Hills Community Park Master Plan Revision | |
2011078186 | NOE | Department of Employment Development | Salinas Workforce Services Office | |
2008031050 | NOD | City of Escondido | ER 2004-48 Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration for "Rincon Oaks Estates" Planned Residential Development and Reorganization/Annexation | |
2010111027 | NOD | Fowler Unified School District | Alternative Education Relocation and Grass Parking/Physical Education/Athletic Field Expansion Project | |
2011071064 | MND | City of Highland | Highland 5th Street Drainage Improvements | |
2011071066 | NOP | Imperial County | Mount Signal Solar Farm | |
2011012045 | NOD | Judicial Council of California | New Sacramento Criminal Courthouse | |
2010091025 | NOD | Los Angeles County | Copper Hill County Park | |
2007101117 | FIN | City of Los Angeles | The Village at Westfield Topanga | |
2003072038 | FIN | Mendocino County | Draft 2007 Ukiah Valley Area Plan (UVAP)(#GP 20-98) | |
2011078205 | NOE | City of Mendocino | 2011 Overflow Pond Liner | |
2011078193 | NOE | Newhall County Water District | Plans to Replace 1600 L.F. of Pipeline on Wildwood Canyon that is Currently Serving Our Customers | |
2007061096 | NOD | Orange County | Modifications to Olinda Alpha Landfill Gas-to-Energy Facility | |
2011071065 | MND | City of Pacific Grove | Pacific Grove Rocky Shores Trail Link | |
2011078201 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Resource Testing | |
2011078200 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Comfort Station Replacement | |
2008082117 | NOD | Placer County | Timberline Residential Living and Care Development | |
2011078206 | NOE | Placer County Water Agency | Annexation of Dry Creek Fire Station 100 to PCWA Service Area | |
2011078203 | NOE | City of Rancho Palos Verdes | Habitat Restoration at the Filiorum Reserve | |
2008112100 | EIR | City of Redwood City | Finger Avenue Nine Lot Planned Development | |
2011022071 | NOD | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 3 (Central Coast), San Luis Obispo | Aquifier Containment & Cleanup System, Olin/Standard Fusee Site | |
2011078188 | NOE | The Resources Agency | Lot Line Adjustment Application No. LLA-11-04 of Diane Ardans | |
2011032036 | NOD | Sacramento Municipal Utility District | Sacramento Solar Highways Project | |
2009082020 | NOD | City of Sacramento | Sacramento County City College LRT Bicycle/Pedestrian Overcrossing Project | |
2005121091 | NOD | San Diego, Port of | National City Aquatic Center and Port Master Plan Amendment Project | |
2011072043 | MND | City and County of San Francisco | San Francisco International Airport Runway Safety Area Program | |
2011078202 | NOE | San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) | GreenIT New Energy Academy Solar Panels | |
2011051071 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Nutmeg Investments Minor Use Permit DRC 2006-00234 | |
2011071063 | NEG | City of Santa Barbara | 457 North Hope Avenue | |
2011078190 | NOE | Solano County | Lot Line Adjustment Application No. LLA-11-05 of James Jones | |
2010102040 | NOD | Solano County | Montezume II Wind Energy Project | |
2011078189 | NOE | Solano County | Lot Line Adjustment Application No. LLA-11-02 of Eugene Brazelton, Jean Brazelton and Hutson Brazelton | |
2011062061 | MND | City of Turlock | Minor Discretionary Permit 2011-07 - Turlock Food Processing Plant | |
2010092066 | NOD | City of West Sacramento | West Coast Recycling Group Metal Recycling Facility Project | |
2011078195 | NOE | Westlands Water District | Westlands Water District Interim Renewal of Central Valley Project (CVP) Water Service Contract #14-06-200-8018-IR13-B | |
2011078198 | NOE | Westlands Water District | Westland Water District Distribution District No.1 (District) Interim Renewal of Central Valley Project (CVP) Water Service Contract #7-07-20-W0055-IR13-B | |
2011078196 | NOE | Westlands Water District | Westlands Water District Distribution District No. 2 (District) Interim Renewal of Central Valley Project (CVP) Water Service Contract #14-06-200-3365-IR13-C | |
2011078199 | NOE | Westlands Water District | Westlands Water District Distribution District No. 1 (District) Interim Renewal of Central Valley Project (CVP) Water Service Contract #14-06-200-8092-IR13 | |
2011078194 | NOE | Westlands Water District | Westlands Water District Interim Renewal of Cental Valley Project (CVP) Water Service Contract #14-06-200-495-A-IR3 | |
2011078197 | NOE | Westlands Water District | Westlands Water District Distribution District No. 1 (District) Interim Renewal of Central Valley Project (GVP) Water Service Contract #14-06-200-3365-OR13-B | |
2011078191 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Dock Replacement | |
2011078192 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Scout Hill Culvert Replacement | |
2011078204 | NOE | Fish and Game (OSPR), Department of | Saddlebag Lake Geomembrane Installation Project |