Thursday, September 22, 2011
- Received Date
- 2011-09-22
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52 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2007102038 | ADM | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | New Sonora Courthouse | |
2011098366 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Establishment of a Secure Area Encroachment Easement and Vehicle Ingress and Egress Easement | |
2011092053 | NOP | City of Alameda | Harbor Bay Chuck Corica Golf Complex Redesign, Housing Development and North Loop Playing Fields Project | |
201001 | BIA | United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs | Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians - APNs: 522-030-008 | |
2011098346 | NOE | California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo | #116 Jespersen Hall - Remove Walls Between Rooms 1089 and 111 -- JOC 10-021.033.00 | |
2011098343 | NOE | California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo | #065 UU - Chumash Acoustical Upgrade -- JOC 10-021.031.00 | |
2011098340 | NOE | California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo | #P-H2B - Asphalt, Reseal & Restripe Lot -- JOC 10-021.028.00 | |
2011098345 | NOE | California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo | #112 Vista Grande - Installation of Stero Dish Machine -- JOC 10-021.032.00 | |
2011098342 | NOE | California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo | #P-H4A - Reseal & Restripe Parking Lot -- JOC-10-021.030.00 | |
2011098347 | NOE | California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo | #026 Graphic Arts - Hook up Suppression System Equipment - JOC 10-021.034.00 | |
2011098344 | NOE | California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo | #065 UU - Additional Electrical for Chumash Acoustical | |
2011098341 | NOE | California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo | #P-H4F - Reseal and Restripe Parking Lot -- JOC 10-021.029-00 | |
2011098364 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Enhance the Maintenance of 23 Drain Systems on (SR) 96 | |
2011098361 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Two Way Left Turn Lane on (SR) 97 at Carrick Avenue | |
2010062042 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0145-R1 for the Los Molinos Storm Drain Project | |
2011098362 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Rehabilitation - Bridge #02-0148R and Bridge #02-0148L | |
2011098365 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Bass Hill Capital Maintenance | |
2011098363 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Left Turn Lanes on (SR) 3 at Juniper Drive (PM) 47.7 to 48.5 | |
2011092054 | NEG | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | Boonville Maintenance Station | |
2011098353 | NOE | Central Valley Flood Protection Board | Coleman Reedy Modular Home Replacement | |
2011098352 | NOE | Central Valley Flood Protection Board | Windswept Land and Livestock Company Fish Screen | |
2011072045 | NOD | City of Cupertino | Stevens Creek Corridor Park and Restoration Phase 2 | |
2011081015 | NOD | California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources | Jaguar Project | |
2006111140 | MND | East Niles Community Services District | Morning Drive Pipeline Project | |
2011098358 | NOE | City of El Cajon | Site Development Plan NO 1484 | |
2011098351 | NOE | Department of Employment Development | Menlo Park Workforce Services | |
2000072075 | NOD | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0195-R1 North Valley-Rock Gravel Extraction Project | |
2010062060 | EIR | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Klamath Facilities Removal Project | |
2011032022 | NOD | Humboldt County | Nielsen Lot Line Adjustment | |
2009031008 | NOD | Kern County | Consideration of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit for the Taft Recycling and Sanitary Landfill, Solid Waste Facilities Permit Number 15-AA-0061, Kern Cou | |
2011091065 | MND | Kings County | Re Kansas South Solar Generating Facility | |
2009061020 | NOD | City of Lake Forest | Lake Forest Sports Park and Recreation Center (SAA #1600-2011-0037-R5) | |
2009011101 | NOD | City of Los Angeles | Phase III of the School of Cinematic Arts Complex | |
2009031002 | EIR | City of Los Angeles | Cornfield Arroyo Seco Specific Plan | |
2011092055 | MND | Marin County | Stafford Lake Bike Park Master Plan | |
2011092057 | NOP | Marin Healthcare District | Marin General Hospital Replacement Building Project | |
2002072102 | NOD | Mendocino Council of Governments | 2001 Draft EIR | |
2011098356 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Bolinas Community Public Utility District, Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation - Site Drinking Water State Revolving Fund | |
2011098354 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | NG2011-16 NextG Temple City Rosemead/LA County Districuted Antenna System Project | |
2011098355 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | NG2011-20 Cricket Greater San Diego Distributed Antenna System DAS Project | |
2011098359 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) | Chateaux Du Lac Shoreline Protection Project | |
2011092056 | NEG | Sacramento County | Dillard LLC Parcel Map | |
1999031005 | NOD | San Luis and Delta Mendota Water Authority | Hayfield Extraction Well 27P, Hayfield Lake and Chuckwalla Valley Groundwater Conjunctive-Use Project | |
2011091066 | MND | San Luis Obispo County | Top of the Hill Tract Map/ Development Plan/ Coastal Development Permit SUB2010-00048 | |
2008101044 | MND | City of Solana Beach | Ida Avenue 8-Unit Condominium Project (Solana Del Mar Villas) | |
2009082001 | NOD | Stockton East Water District | Lower Calaveras River Anadromous Fish Barriers Improvement Project | |
2011098357 | NOE | University of California, Davis | Research II Basement Remodel | |
2011099010 | NOD | Water Replenishment of Southern California | Walnut Park Mutual Water Company Conjunctive Use Storage Program and Construction/Equipping Groundwater Production Well No. 12 | |
2011098349 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Norton Creek Bank Stabilization and Erosion Control Project | |
2011098348 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Pine Flat Road Culvert Replacement - Sediment Reduction Project | |
2011098350 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Jesse Property Road Erosion Control Project | |
2011098367 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Bouquet Canyon Creek Restoration |