Friday, November 9, 2012
- Received Date
- 2012-11-09
- Edit Search
51 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2012112028 | MND | Alameda County Water District (ACWD) | Shinn Pond Gravity Rediversion Pipeline No. 2 | |
2012111031 | MND | City of Bakersfield | Zone Change 12-0416 | |
2012082002 | NOD | City of Burlingame | 1250 Bayshore Highway, Lot Split of One Parcel into Two Parcels | |
2012118071 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | Mortgage 811D-15 | |
2012111030 | MND | Crosswalk Learning Pathways to College | Crosswalk Proposed K-12 Charter School | |
2012118086 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Silver Creek High School Site Improvement Project - E-055-006 | |
2012118075 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Evergreen Valley High School Partition Removal Project - E-075-004 | |
2012118083 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Santa Teresa High School Buildings 100/200 Project - E-=070-003 | |
2012118089 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Yerba Buena High School Site Improvement Project - E-060-006 | |
2012118080 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | WC Overfelt High School Building J Project - E-040-004 | |
2012118074 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Andrew Hill High School Building 100 Project - E-025-003 | |
2012118088 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Yerba Buena High School Building 1000 Project - E-060-005 | |
2012118081 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Overtfelt High School Buildings D Project - E-040-005 | |
2012118085 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Silver Creek High School Toilet Project - E-055-004 | |
2012118082 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Piedmont Hills School Site Lighting Project - E-045-005 | |
2012118076 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Evergreen Valley High School Site Improvement Project - E-075-005 | |
2012118079 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Oak Grove High School Buildings 1 Project - E-050-006 | |
2012118077 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | James Lick High School Building 900 Project - E-030-005 | |
2012118087 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Silver Creek High School Site Lighting Project - E-055-007 | |
2012118090 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Yerba Buena High School Site Lighting Project - E-060-007 | |
2012118078 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Oak Grove High School Buildings U Project - E-050-005 | |
2012118084 | NOE | East Side Union High School District | Santa Teresa High School Site Lighting Project - E-070-004 | |
2012118091 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2012-0199-R1, Unnamed Tribuatry to Bacon Creek, Tributary to Salt Creek | |
2012118092 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2012-0049-R1, Espinoza Crossings | |
2012111029 | MND | City of Lancaster | Conditional Use Permit 12-12, General Plan Amendment 12-03, Zone Change 12-03 | |
2002101141 | NOD | Port of Long Beach | Port of Long Beach Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement Project - HDP #04-086 | |
2009061041 | FIN | City of Los Angeles | Casden Sepulveda Project | |
2012081066 | NOD | Merced County | Henderson Park Project (California Natural Resources Agency for the Proposition 84 River Parkways Program Grant) | |
2012032017 | NOP | Nevada County | San Juan Ridge Mine | |
2012111032 | MND | City of Pasadena | Azusa Hydroelectric Pipeline Seismic Retrofit Project | |
2011122079 | FIN | Placer County | Sewer Maintenance District 3 Regional Sewer Project | |
2011108257 | NOE | Reef Sunset Unified School District | Kettleman City Elementary School Consolidation with Kettlemen City Community Services District Feasibility Study | |
2011032046 | NOD | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) | Replacing Regionwide Pesticide Water Quality with a Regionwide Prohibition with Exemption Criteria | |
2007082154 | NOD | City of Richmond | Amended Remedial Action Plan, Miraflores Housing Development | |
2011032021 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA-0900293 | |
2012112026 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA-1200194 - Convert a Portion of an Existing Farm Services Headquarters into a Large Agricultural Store | |
2012112027 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA-1200200(SA) | |
2012112031 | MND | City of San Jose | Springbrook | |
2012112029 | MND | City of San Jose | 8th & William Street Mixed Use Development, File No. PDC09-019 | |
2012112030 | MND | Shasta County | Use Permit 11-014 (Ignite Solar, LLC) | |
2011092067 | EIR | Solano County | Solano 360 Specific Plan | |
2011051010 | EIR | South Orange County Wastewater Authority | Coastal Treatment Plant Export Sludge Force Main Replacement | |
2012111028 | MND | City of South Pasadena | Garfield Reservoir Replacement Project | |
2012118070 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | Abbe Family Trust Petition to Change the Place of Use of License 11589 (Application 24544) | |
2011102034 | NOD | State Water Resources Control Board | PG&E Pittsburg-Tesla Reconductoring Project | |
2012012022 | NOD | State Water Resources Control Board | Chili Bar Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 2155 | |
1996082016 | NOD | Tuolumne County | Resolution for General Plan Amendment GPA12-001 | |
2012112032 | NEG | Union Sanitary District | Thickener Control Building Improvements Project | |
2012118072 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Tree Removal (for a HUDD Home) | |
2012118073 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Lake Alteration Agreement #1600-2012-0144-R2 Rhodes Dock Access Stairway | |
2012118094 | NOE | Fish & Game Eastern Sierra-Inland Deserts Region | Vinedos de Amore Project |