Tuesday, September 22, 2015

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65 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2015091064 Allensworth Community Services District Test Well Drilling Project
201518 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria of CA - APNs: 040-300-020-000,040-300-006-000,040-300-012-000,040-300-011-000
2015091051 City of Calabasas Viewpoint School Tennis Courts and Parking Lots Project
2015098374 California State Lands Commission Letter of Non-Objection to Enter Sovereign Land in Corte Madera Creek, to Dredge Approx. 50,000 cubic yards of Material to Maintain a Navigable Depth for
2015098376 California Department of Transportation, District 1 Standish Hickey Overlay (Caltrans EA 01-0E980)
2015098331 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Lassen Lodge Combined
2015051080 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Goldings Project
2015042060 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Rhythm Project
2015041080 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Terrabonne Project
2014092049 City of Foster City Lincoln Centre Life Sciences Research Campus Project EIR, General Plan Amendment, and Rezoning/General Development Plan
2015091061 Fresno County IS 6978 and CUP 3600 (Aspiration Solar G, LLC)
2015091063 Fresno County Initial Study No. 6934, Variance Application No. 3974 and Director Review and Approval No. 4408
2015098378 Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (GRRCD) Soil Amending on Laguna de Santa Rosa Dairy Pastures to Improve Soil Health
2015098373 City of Hercules Willow Avenue Rehabilitation & Community Center Parking Lot Repaving Projects
2013031049 City of Hermosa Beach Hermosa Boutique Hotel
2008071143 City of Huntington Beach Removal Action Workplan for the Former Production Plating Facility, Huntington Beach, CA
2015091062 Merced County Church of God in Christ Mennonite Church and School Multipurpose Building
2015091065 City of Ontario New Model Colony East Bridges Over Cucamonga Creek and Deer Creek Flood Control Channels at Schaeler Avenue
2015098347 California Department of Parks and Recreation Angeles National Forest Restoration - Greenhouse and Nursery, Santa Clara/Mojave Rivers District Office
2015098361 California Department of Parks and Recreation Angeles National Forest Planning - Rowher Flat and Drinkwater Flat Management
2015098344 California Department of Parks and Recreation Inyo National Forest Route Decommissioning and Restoration
2015098367 California Department of Parks and Recreation Closiv Independent 4 Wheelers Ground Operations - Sierra National Forest
2015098341 California Department of Parks and Recreation Lake County OHV Education and Safety Program
2015098364 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pinto Mountain Mining District Restoration NEPA and Section 106 Compliance
2015098353 California Department of Parks and Recreation Placer County Department of Public Works, RubiconTrail Hydrological Assessment
2015098350 California Department of Parks and Recreation CTUC Ground Operations, Sierra National Forest
2015098370 California Department of Parks and Recreation Fort Irwin Restoration Project - Barstaw
2015098333 California Department of Parks and Recreation CSNV Restoration of Closed OHV Routes
2015098330 California Department of Parks and Recreation Border Gateway to Nature Next Phase Addendum (13/14-SD-07)
2015098355 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sequoia National Forest, Canell Meadow Reroute Planning
2015098369 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sierra National Forest Ground Operations
2015098346 California Department of Parks and Recreation Inyo National Forest, Repairs and Maintenance
2015098366 California Department of Parks and Recreation International Racing Rescue Crew, Education and Safety Program
2015098349 California Department of Parks and Recreation CTUC Ground Operations, Inyo National Forest
2015098338 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ground Operations - Competitive Edge Motocross (CEMX) OHV Facility O&M
2015098358 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mendocino National Forest Ground Operations, Stonyford
2015098335 California Department of Parks and Recreation Del Norte County OHV Planning
2015098342 California Department of Parks and Recreation Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Education & Safety Program
2015098365 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship, Safety and Education Program
2015098348 California Department of Parks and Recreation CTUC Education and Safety Trail Riders - Mobile Maps App
2015098368 California Department of Parks and Recreation Middle Knob Restoration - Ridgecrest
2015098345 California Department of Parks and Recreation Inyo National Forest, OHV Water Crossings Stabilization
2015098356 California Department of Parks and Recreation USFS Pacific Southwest Region, Education and Safety
2015098339 California Department of Parks and Recreation Tulare Cycle Park Ground Operations
2015098362 California Department of Parks and Recreation Angeles National Forest Planning - San Gabriel Canyon OHV Area
2015098336 California Department of Parks and Recreation Imperial County OHVEST - Eucation & Safety
2015098359 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mendocino National Forest Trail 32 Reroute
2015098340 California Department of Parks and Recreation Butte County Planning - Four Trees Road Acquisition Area
2015098363 California Department of Parks and Recreation Angeles National Forest Ground Operations
2015098360 California Department of Parks and Recreation Los Padres National Forest Planning
2015098337 California Department of Parks and Recreation American Conservation Experience Restoration of Illegal OHV Trails
2015098343 California Department of Parks and Recreation Los Padres National Forest Ground Operations
2015098351 California Department of Parks and Recreation CTUC Ground Operations, Sequoia National Forest
2015098334 California Department of Parks and Recreation Calico Phase II Restoration Project - Barstow
2015098357 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mendocino National Forest Planning - Trail 40 Reroute
2015098354 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sequoia National Forest Ground Operations
2015098375 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 9 ETS 2709 - Replacement of Distribution Pole P40896 in Millar Valley Project
2015098329 Rodeo Sanitary District Rodeo Sanitary District Year 2 Sewer Improvements (REVISED)
2015092059 San Joaquin County PA-1500168
2015061114 City of Santee Santee School Site General Plan Amendment (GPA2014-5) and Rezone (R2014-3)
2008061111 City of Simi Valley Lost Canyons
2015098332 State Water Resources Control Board Mission Wells Facility Improvement Project Phase II and Ammoniation Station
2015098372 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Additional Temporary Points fo Delivery of 2015-2017 SWP Supplies Recovered from Banking Programs to Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) (SWPAO #15017)
2015098371 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Additional Temporary Points of Delvery of State Water Project (SWP) Supplies to Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) (SWPAO #15016)
2015098377 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) 2015 Coastal Outage - Dwater